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Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Bahasa Inggris

Asslamu’alaikum Wr... Wb...

Honorable Subdistrict  head of Muara Kaman or representative
Honorable Education department of Muara Kaman or representative
Honorable The principle of SMAN 1 Muara Kaman
Honorable  All teachers and administration staff of SMAN 1 Muara Kaman and all my friends in grade XII, X and XI.

First of all , let us praise to the almighty Allah SWT, because of His blessing we are able to come here, to attend a farewell ceremony for the students of SMAN 1 Muara Kaman grade XII in the academic year 2014/2015.

Secondly, may shalawat and salam be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.

Ladies and gantleman

In this good opportunity, I stand here to represent all the students of SMAN 1 Muara Kaman grade XII to give a veledictory speech.

On the behalf of all students grade XII

Firstly, we would like to say thank you very much for all the teachers of SMAN 1 Muara Kaman who have taught, educated , and guided us so that we can pass the national exam ( UN )  successfully.

Thanks you very much for your dedication.
We know that advice, guidance, and motivations have made us better not only in thinking but also in attitudes.

My teacher, we realize  that we cannot give you any reward.
It seems that there are not single reward that can be representative our thankfullness for your merit.

We can only give you gratitude and pray. May god  repay your kidness. May god always bless you all.

Secondly, we would like to apologize to all of the teachers , administration staffs and all the elements of SMAN 1 Muara Kaman. Please, forgive our mistakes, forgive all the bad things that we have done and hopefully we can make our attitudes better than before.

Thirdly, especially to our younger brothers and sisters in grade X and XI we would like to remind you, please keep studying hard, obey your teacher’s advises try to be better than us. And, please pray for us to be able to continue our study so that someday we will become successful and useful persons for this country and our society.

Ladis and gantleman

I think that’s all my veledictory speech. I am so sorry for all my wrong words. The last, on the behalf of students grade XII, once again, I would like to say : forgive us, remember us, pray fo us, for the students of SMAN 1 Muara Kaman grade XII academic year 2014/2015 thanks you very much.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr...Wb ...


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