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The Paperless Letter of Credit - English for Accounting POLNES

Makalah Letter of Credit dari Miss Fitri POLNES


This paper is made by the author as the fulfillment of the task of english for accounting course, with Letter of Credit material. Together with this introduction, the author would like to thank all those who have assisted the author in completing this paper.
First of all the author wants to give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, because without his permission the author will not be able to finish this paper,
The authors strongly hope that constructive criticism and suggestions can be manually author can fix it.
The authors also hope this paper can provide benefits and can be a learning material for writers and readers, as well as to reply.

Samarinda, October 18, 2017



PREFACE................................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................ ii
1.1.   Issue Background.................................................................................... 1
1.2.   Problem.................................................................................................... 2
1.3.   Purpose.................................................................................................... 2
2.1.   The Basic Letter of Credit....................................................................... 3
2.2.   Mechanism Letter of Credit.................................................................... 3
2.3.   The Variations Letter of Credit............................................................... 3
CHAPTER III CLOSING....................................................................................... 6
REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 7


1.1.  Issue Background

Officially, there is no fairness, that if it is no country fulfill its needs only by taking on goods produced from the own country. So that,  it requires the supply of goods obtained from abroad either in the form of food, industrial materials or  other goods and services  provided. The limitation is triggered by the activity of buying and selling mechandise of goods and services, interchange market    (Export-Import process) will be conducted.

The problem faced is how to resolve conditions where the seller and buyer in the activity is limited by long distances and long travel time, it makes difficult for  taking transactions by cash. This raises concerns by both parties, the risk of loss if each  party does not fulfill its obligations. Letter of credit is a way to can be used as a tool to facilitate importers in conducting international trade transactions involving the two banks between countries that international trade transaction as well as with its advanced capabilities technology can now facilitate the parties involved in a transaction in a payment using the online system, the two parties must be mutually trusted so that there is no party which aggred.   

In conducting international transactions or trading between countries, such as export – import  transaction, the coupled with the amount and price are quite large and high, then it certainly will be different from the local transaction or reguler transaction. The differences are in terms of regulations, mechanisms, payments, etc.

 In addition, in the case of transactions between countries, it  can usually not be done personally only between sellers and buyers, because in this case it is needed parties to help handle the financing traffic in this international transaction. Transactions between countries, especially with large and high numbers and prices, it susually require an institution that can be used as a payment intermediary to facilitate the financing traffic and even provide a guarantee of security to sellers and buyers between these countries. These institutions are Foreign Exchange Banks, which serve and issue Letter of Credit (L / C).

Although the Letter of Credit (L / C) is issued by the Bank, the Bank deals only with documents not with goods. Letter of Credit itself has several roles not only as an instrument to facilitate the financing of international trade, but also there are still some other roles.

In Indonesia, the control of a Letter of Credit (L / C), may serve as the basis for the application of "Export Credit" to obtain funds earlier than the opening bank, to be used as working capital in producing goods facilitated by the Letter of Credit .

Therefore in this paper, the author will discuss about The Basic Letter of Credit and Variations of letter of credit.

1.2.  Problem
1.2.1.      What is the basic letter of credit?
1.2.2.      What is the variations letter of credit?
1.2.3.      How much important letter of credit in international trading?

1.3.  Purpose
1.3.1.      For understand the basic letter of credit.
1.3.2.      For understand the variations letter of credit.
1.3.3.      For understand  how important letter of credit international trading.


2.1.  The Basic Letter of Credit

            The letter of credit is the most widely used intrument of international banking. It has had a long and successful history as a means of facilitating international trade. Particulary during times of economic and political uncertainly.

            Henry Harfield, said that “A Letter of Credit is a legally enforcable promise by an issuer to a beneficiary”

2.2.  Mechanism Letter of Credit

2.3.  The Variations Letter of Credit
2.3.1.      Revocable L/C
            L / C that may be amended or canceled any time by the buyer (the account party) without the approval of the seller (the beneficiary). Since it does not provide any protection to the seller, it is rarely used. Some banks even refuse to issue such litigation between the buyer and the seller.

2.3.2.      Irrevocable L/C
An irrevocable letter of credit (ILOC) is official correspondence from a bank that guarantees payment for goods or services being purchased by the individual or entity, referred to as the applicant, that requests the letter of credit from an issuing bank. An irrevocable letter of credit cannot be canceled, nor in any way modified, except with the explicit agreement of all parties involved: the buyer, the seller and the issuing bank. For example, the issuing bank does not have the authority by itself to change any of the terms of an ILOC once it is issued.

2.2.3        Irrevocable and Confirmed L/C
This l/C is considered the most perfect and most secure from the recipient of the L/C (beneficiary) as payment or repayment of money orders drawn up this l/c guaranteed entirely by the opening bank or by advising banks, when all the conditions are met, as well as It's not easy being cancelled because of its irrevocable.

2.2.4        Clean L/C
In the L/C this is not noted in other terms for the withdrawal of a money order. That is, no other documents are required, even taking money from of available credit may be made with then submission of receipts.
2.2.5        Documentary L/C with Red Clause
        This type of l/c, L/C recipient (beneficiary) are given the right.
2.2.6        Documentary L/C
Withdrawal of money or credit available has to be complemented by other documents as referred to in the terms of l/c.
to withdraw a portion of the amount of the l/c are available with the submission of receipts or by the withdrawal of money without the need for other documents, while the rest is carried outas in the case documentary L/C this is a combination of open L/C with  documentary l/c.

2.2.7        Revolving L/C
This allows the l/c available credit be without changes to special conditions in the l/c. For example, for a period of six months, credit is available each month at US $1,200, meant automatically every month (for six months) credit available for US $1,200, no matter if the number was used or not.

2.2.8        Back to Back L/C
In this L/C, recipient (beneficiary) is usually not the owner of the goods, but only an intermediary. Therefore, the recipient of the l/c is forced to ask his bank's help to open the l/c to the owner of the actual goods with guaranted L/C received from abroad.

2.2.9        Transferable L/C
Beneficiary entitled to memnita to bank mandated to make payment/acceptance speeches are to every bank that has the right to conduct the negotiations, to handing over rights to credit fully/partly to third parties

2.2.10    Stand by Letter of Credit
A special guarantee of his usual is used as a "stand-by" by the beneficiary or bank on behalf of his clients. In this case if the applicant party failed to execute a contract/fail to pay the loan/meet his loan, the Bank concerned will pay to the beneficiary upon the submission of a sight draft & waiver from party beneficiary stating that applicant or contractor can not carry out the approved contract, Pay/meet its.


Letter of credit is a sale and purchase agreement agreed between the seller and the buyer of international trade transactions, which contains the promise of the buyer to pay for goods after the seller meets certain conditions. By making the bank as. Letter of credit is also a requirement to conduct international trade transactions.

From both types of letters of credit, irrevocable and confirmation of both credits is the best type to use because by using this type of interested parties warranty of goods on condition whether the conditions have been levied without a unilateral cancellation by the buyer because of its irrevocabel
At the core of this last credit serves to facilitate the importer or security in conducting international trade transactions and provide warranty and security.

Letter of Credit does play a very important role in business activity or transactions between countries, therefore in the implementation of Letter of Credit (L / C, LC, LOC) must be in accordance with the applicable universal provisions in the procedure and situation, it is also very influential for the sake of continuity of business activity. It is recommended for all parties to be careful to check the completeness of other documents so as to avoid the risk of harm. So that the goods and payment will be guaranteed security. helpful.
The authors hope this paper can be useful for readers and can be used as learning for readers, although this paper is very limited.


Anonim. Irrevocable Letter Of Credit - ILOC.  ( Diakses 18 Oktober 2017).
________ Revocable Letter Of Credit (L/C). ( Diakses 18 Oktober 2017).
________ 2015. Pengertian Letter Of Credit Jenis Pihak Transaksi Tahapan Penerbitan Dasar Pengaturan dalam Perbankan ( Diakses 18 Oktober 2017).

________ 2017. Modul Ajar : English for Accounting 1. 


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